A Dictionary of Biology. Oxford, 1996.
A Dictionary of Biology. REF QH 302.5 .D54 2008
Tubbs, James B. A Handbook of Bioethics Terms. Georgetown, 2009.
Bailey, L.H. Hortus Third: A Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the United States and Canada. REF SB 45 .B22 1976
Barnes, Burton V. and Warren H. Wagner, Jr. Michigan Trees. REF QK 167 .B27 2004
Benvie, Sam. The Encyclopedia of North American Trees. REF QK 110 .B46 2000y
Cafferty, Steve. The Firefly Encyclopedia of Trees. REF QK 474.87 .F57 2005
Cassells, Alan C. and Peter B. Gahan. Dictionary of Plant Tissue Culture. REF QK 725 .C34 2006
Dirr, Michael. Dirr's Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs. REF SB 435 .D57 2011
Gledhill, D. The Names of Plants. Cambridge, 2008.
Heywood, V.H. Flowering Plant Families of the World. REF QK 495 .A1 F58 2007
Hickey, Michael and Clive King. The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms. REF QK 10 .H53 2000
Jukofsky, Diane. Encyclopedia of Rainforests. REF QH 86 .J85 2002
Le Hardy de Beaulieu, Antoine. An Illustrated Guide to Maples. REF QK 495 .A17 L413 2003
Mabberley, David J. Mabberley's Plant-Book. REF QK 11 .M29 2008
Ross, Ivan A. Medicinal Plants of the World. Humana, 1999.
Ecology and Evolution
Allaby, Michael. A Dictionary of Ecology. Oxford, 1998.
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics (1970-2016). QH 540 .A53
Beacham, Walton and Kirk H. Beetz, ed. Beacham's Guide to International Endangered Species (3v.). REF QL 82 .B435 1998
Beacham, Walton, Frank V. Castronova and Suzanne Sessine, ed. Beacham's Guide to the Endangered Species of North America (6v.). REF QH 77 .N56 B43 2001
Bortman, Marci, et al, ed. Environmental Encyclopedia (2v.). REF GE 10 .E58 2003y
Calow, Peter. Blackwell's Concise Encyclopedia of Ecology. Blackwell, 1999.
Collin, P.H. Dictionary of Ecology and the Environment. REF QH 540.4 .C65 2001
Pagel, Mark, ed. Encyclopedia of Evolution (2v.). REF QH 360.2 .E54 2002
Rice, Stanley A. Encyclopedia of Evolution. Facts on File, 2007.
Ammer, Christine. The Encyclopedia of Women's Health. Facts on File, 2009.
Beers, Mark H., ed. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. REF RM 127 .M4 2006y
Borden, Edward, ed. Black's Veterinary Dictionary. REF SF 609 .B53 2001y
Carlson, Karen J., Stephanie A. Eisenstat and Terra Ziporyn. The New Harvard Guide to Women's Health. REF RA 778 .C2164 2004
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. REF R 121 .D73 2007
Fauci, Anthony S. Harrison's Manual of Medicine. McGraw-Hill Medical, 2009.
Gaither, Carl C. Medically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Dentistry, Medicine, and Nursing. Institute of Physics, 1999.
Hart, Tony. Microterrors: The Complete Guide to Bacterial, Viral and Fungal Infections That Threaten Our Health. REF QR 56 .H27 2004y
Kahn, Ada P. The Encyclopedia of Work-Related Illnesses, Injuries, and Health Issues. Facts on File, 2004.
Leikin, Jerrold B. and Martin S. Lipsky, ed. American Medical Association Complete Medical Encyclopedia. REF RC 81 .A2 A497 2003
Longe, Jacqueline L., ed. The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine (5v.). REF RC 41 .G35 2006
McDonald, Peter. Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations. Oxford, 2004.
Medical School Admission Requirements. REF R 838.4 .M43 2008
Micheli, Lyle J., ed. Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine (4v.). REF RC 1206 .E53 2011
Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions. REF R 121 .M67 2009
Mosby's Medical Dictionary. REF R121 .M89 2009
Oakes, Elizabeth H. The Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine. REF RC 1206 .O355 2005
Physicians' Desk Reference. REF RS 250 .P5 2009
Porta, Miquel, ed. A Dictionary of Epidemiology. REF RA 651 .D553 2008
Randall, Otelio Sye. The Encyclopedia of the Heart and Heart Disease. Facts on File, 2005.
Rothfield, Glenn S. The Encyclopedia of Men's Health. Facts on File, 2005.
Standring, Susan. Gray's Anatomy. REF QM 23.2 .G73 2005
Turkington, Carol. The Encyclopedia of Cancer. Facts on File, 2005.
Turkington, Carol. The Encyclopedia of Children's Health and Wellness. Facts on File, 2004.
Turkington, Carol. The Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases. Facts on File, 2007.
Venes, Donald, ed. Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. REF R 121 .T33 2017
Annual Review of Genetics (1967-2017). QH 431 .A1 A54
Cammack, Richard, ed. Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. REF QP 512 .O94 2006
Garrity, George M., ed. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (5v.). REF QR 81 .B46 2001
Glick, David M. Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. REF QP 512 .G55 1997y
King, Robert. A Dictionary of Genetics. REF QH 427 .K55 2006
Lackie, J.M. The Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology. Elsevier, 2007.
Singleton, Paul and Diana Sainsbury. Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology.REF QR 9 .S56 2001
Aldefer, Jonathan, ed. National Geographic Complete Birds of North America. REF QL 682 .N38 2006
Allaby, Michael. A Dictionary of Zoology. Oxford, 1999.
Allaby, Michael, ed. A Dictionary of Zoology. REF QL 9 .C66 2003
Barrows, Edward M. Animal Behavior Desk Reference: A Dictionary of Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution. REF QL 750.3 .B37 2001
Bekoff, Marc, ed. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (3v.). REF QL 750.3 .E53 2004
Bonin, Franck, Bernard Devaux and Alain Dupre. Turtles of the World. REF QL 666 .C5 B57 2006
Bosanko, Dave. Fish of Michigan Field Guide. REF QL 628 .M45 B67 2007
Burnie, David and Don E. Wilson, ed. Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife. REF QL 45.2 .A56 2001
Ernst, Carl H. and Evelyn M. Ernst. Snakes of the United States and Canada. REF QL 666 .O6 E763 2003
Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia (17v.). REF QL 7 .G7813 2003
Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals (5v.). REF QL 701 .G7913 1989
Halliday, Tim and Kraig Adler, ed. The Firefly Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians. REF QL 640.7 .F57 2002
International Wildlife Encyclopedia (22 v.). REF QL 9 .B796 2002
Jobling, James A. A Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. Oxford, 1991.
Kurta, Allen. Mammals of the Great Lakes Region. REF QL 719 .A14 K87 2017
Lillywhite, Harvey B. Dictionary of Herpetology. REF QL 640.7 .L55 2008
Nowak, Ronald M. Walker's Mammals of the World (2v.).REF QL 703 .W222 1999
Perrins, Christopher, ed. Firefly Encyclopedia of Birds. REF QL 672.2 .I45 2003y
Resh, Vncent H. and Ring T. Carde, ed. Encyclopedia of Insects. REF QL 462.3 .E485 2003
Wilson, Don E. and Sue Ruff, ed. The Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals. REF QL 715 .S55 1999